SPARC is proud to help distribute Crown City HF, a collection of columns written by Dr. Tom Berne, W6TAG (SK), for the Pasadena Radio Club’s monthly bulletin.
You can download a PDF version of the collection using this link:
Crown City HF book (4 MB PDF)
The following is from the book’s foreword, written by John Minger AC6VV.
Tom Berne, W6TAG, followed in the footsteps of his father, Dr. Clarence J. Berne, becoming a surgeon. He was also a researcher and a professor at USC. […]
In the fall of 2007 Peter Fogg, KA6RJF, then club president-elect, suggested that Tom might consider writing a column for the monthly newsletter, The Pasadena Radio Club Bulletin, especially for our club’s technicians, to encourage upgrading and for new generals, to help them build HF equipped shacks.
Tom was modest about his experience, but Peter persuaded him to create the Crown City HF column, which he wrote every month for eight years. Ten months after the column ended, Tom became a Silent Key at age 81. We were all blessed to have had Tom with us for those many years.
Since then, Bob Ross, WA6JLP, volunteered to collect Tom’s work in a single document. We are pleased to present for you that collection of all of the Crown City HF columns.
Our thanks to PRC and Bob WA6JLP for allowing us to share Tom’s wisdom and enthusiasm for the hobby.